Hi. Just looking for a bit of advice. Around 10 months ago i stopped smoking and started to get really strange feelings in my stomach, strange noises and back pain. Thinking it was my stomach getting used to increase in food didnt think anything of it. It gradually got worse so i went to my A+E dept who kept me in and carried out an x-ray blood tests and a endoscopy. All came back fine so got discharged with anti acid medication. A month on and i still felt really sick was constantly on the toilet with diarehoa and felt really tired and sick and worried. Again i went to my a+e and got kept in. More bloodwork which showed a slight increase in white blood cells and also a ct scan which showed a slight thinckening of my small bowel. I had a colonscopy and camera pill as they thought it may be crohns disease but both came back negative and was put down to IBS
I still have regular bouts of diarehoa and abdo pains. I also think that every little pain i have may be something more major than it is. I constantly feel tired and have severe lower back pain with a tingly feeling up my back.
Can anyone advise if these symtoms sound like IBS and any advice on how i could better deal with these and whether i should be further investigated??
Thanks in advance