As long as I can recall, I have never had consistant bowel movements, possibly going back 20 years or so. In recent years, I have experienced an occasional stabbing pian in appendice area. just for a few seconds. Sometimes it clears up for a few Months. If I press on the area, sometimes I feel tenderness but it is not always there.
6 Months I developed soft stools for about 4 Months, only one bowel movement each day but the stool is unformed but not as loose as diareah. Oaccasional urgency. I have has blood tests and to check for blood and also an ultrasound scan but nothing seen.
The stools in recent Weeks have returned to their normal ' abnormal ' way, ie sometimes very normal, some float, some like pellets, some very soft and some that float and stink like eggs.
I was waondering if this is anything to do with lack of water absorption
I had a slipped disc L5 in recent years and that is being invesigated ref to sciatica.
Otherwise, generally fit, eat well, etc , weight good . aged 50, male
any ideas . My doctor has simply labelled it as griping pains
any thoughts
many thanks