Posted 5/11/2011 5:23 AM (GMT 0)
I have a lot of background with intestinal issues. I was told I was born with anal/rectal strictures which lead me to take stimulant laxatives for 22 years. In 2004 I had my second son and the laxatives werent working so I didn't have a BM for almost 5 months. After I delivered via c-section, my gyno made me see a gastro because my colon and rectum was so full. I had a colostomy two months after I delivered. Fast forward to 2008, got pregnant with my daughter. I was really sick the whole 9 months. My gyno thought it was just heartburn from being pregnant and said it will go away after I had her. It never did. In fact it got worse. I had a bunch of tests done and was diagnosed with severe reflux. I have tried every med and had 3 surgeries for it with no improvement. My gastro and gastric surgeon are at a loss about what's going on so I seen a third dr. He looked at my whole history and thought it might be a motility disorder from the laxative usage. He didn't order any tests though. He gave me domperidone to try and it helped a little but now they can't make it in the US. Anyway, the last few months I've been getting really bad stomach cramps when I do eat, I can't really say I'm completely constipated as I'm not sure how much a "normal" amount of output would be. I have a hard time eating because my main symptom is nausea, eating makes it worse. I have a lot of gas pains, fatigue, fullness. I'm wondering if all of my symptoms could be related to IBS. I usually eat a very small meal at lunchtime and nothing else the rest of the day. The majority of my symptoms hit really bad at night which makes it hard to sleep. It seems like when food hits my intestines, everything goes haywire. Is there anyone that can relate?