Actually he is not sensitive to milk products at all.. I have given him dairy free probiotics, and he has the same reaction... I believe it has something to do with the seratonin his stomach produces... in taking any bit of probiotics, even the slightest change it may cause in bacteria balance, creates a nightmare for him. I used to think his case was very rare, but when I google "sensitivity to probiotics" it takes me to half a dozen blogs where different people are asking if anyone else has this problem but them or their kids. Therefore, I knew the problem existed, just not WHY? Then the other day I read an interesting article about
a case study on a 49 yr old woman who reacted adversly to "P" and it boiled down to a slight difference in her body chemistry, created by release of seratonin in her stomach which reacted to even the most minute change in gut flora, good or bad. It made sense to me,
but guess we'll have to wait until it is explored further by science.. All I know is that my son can seem to eat anything, but we can't mess with his gut flora.. He will suffer for a week or more, unless I give him a tsp of Bentonite clay in water, and that seems to absorb and cleanse him out faster. It is sad that the one thing that seems to really help with IBS is so detrimental to my son.. And even more sad, I don't have much medical support for him where I live... He is an adult with autism and unfortunately, services are geared to the autistic pediatric community in many cities. Prayer is appreciated.