Posted 10/13/2012 11:53 PM (GMT 0)
Hi Cepas and J-TX
I can relate to you both.Cepas I also had an appt on 10/10/12 to get ALL the results of my test both stool and blood, I was floored when my doctor told me I was optimal health at the young age of,with one exception she told me I was stressed. I explained I had some family ie daughter problems,but when I could not help one in particular with what seems like an eternity of self desructive behavior..I let doctor then told me I was probably stuffing the emotional she was about to recommend an anti-depressant and I told her I will not take it, I don't believe in them that they are destructive to the mind/soul and spirit ( just my opinion) however I may consider Behavioral Counseling..if it is local..well it is I will hit the gym to reduce my stress and am told by nutritionist to eat more Raw fruits and vegetables,less processed food,no fried food and less high fiber ( I already kind of knew that more Fiber was just making me cramp more),they will tell you that it is to bulk up your stools (which by the way does not solve the problem..right) .So, I have started taking a broad Spectrum Probiotic with SBO's ( soil based organisms) my severe cramping pain stopped after a week and my prespective on why my body is purging so much is now to me is viewed as a Healing of all the toxicity in my life,.because I'm finally after a 1 1/2 yrs of not acknowledging this I finally see it for what it is..My bodies way of telling me to STOP taking life so seriously..I know this is long,but I really hope you both come away with something from my reply..stay in touch if you can,I care, I am and have been there and finally am seeing some daylight at the end of this dark tunnel.