I have in the latest 3 years had stomach problems, it started with nausea, loss of appetite and weight. I also have a "thudding" sensation in my upper abdomen its also making me nauseous.. Last winter i was diagnosed with GERD, im on 40mg nexium.. daily.. Last summer to winter i was symptom free?!?! But they came back, and has been with me since.. In general I was able to handle it, i new it was GERD and that calmed me down, but when it returned during the summer something felt off. The symptoms changed, and scared me enough to go see a specialist.
Now a days, symptoms like this are normal.
- A bit nauseous.
- Dissy (often in the evenings)
- In the mornings it feels like the muscles are contracting, but when i get "warm" it helps.
- The stomach is upset in the mornings, a nexium generally calms it down after I'v been awake for a while.
- My stool has changed, at first i regularly pooped once a day, around the same time. Then it changed to 3 times daily.. its formed like small round ones, often 1-7 pices.. this is still the case but now I only go to the restroom every 1 or 2 days.. its also very light-brown ish. This has just started happen recently.. for the last two years my stool has been normal.
- Im also sweating alot in my hands..
With these new symptoms my doc took a stool-test & blood-test everything came back normal here, I didnt mention my light-brown color of the stool to him as I hadn't noticed it yet. Is this a problem? Do anyone else have this? After the tests i he concluded with IBS, he didnt think a colonscopy was necessary due to me not beeing in the risk-group of (cancer etc) cause of my age (20). He said i had to change my diet and find out whats working and whats not...
The problem is that i cant find a link, i can drink soda.. i can eat almost every food, sometimes my stomach gets upset.. sometimes it dont, on the same type of food. There is no system! (Or i cant find it).. I tried no fibre, i tried with fibre.. the results is the same...
I'm kind of scared right now, i dont feel IBS is the right diagnosis for me.. can anyone familiar themselves with my symptoms? And on top of that its the GERD.. its also worth mention that I dont eat much right now, due to the lack of lost appetite... could this affect my stool color? 5th of December I'm scheduled for a ultrasound scan of my stomach.. to check inner organs, its almost like I hope they find something.. because i cant get a hang of this... i cant figure out the system.. and i dont know how to handle it.
I dont really know what i want with this post.. an input if u guys does familiar with some of the symptoms? Do you think this could be IBS like the doc seems to think?
Sorry for the bad English