For some reason at night, after I lie down, I get REALLY bad gas. I have not been diagnosed with anything, and have consulted with my physician as to what may be causing this problem. I have tried Gas X and other medications (e.g., Lomotil), but to no avail. I do not date seriously because of this issue, it is highly embarrasing. In fact, my ex - we had a great relationship and eventually went on vacation together where we did sleep in the same bed - broke up with me right after our return. This is seriously affecting my life and my chances at a relationship. I'm too embarassed to say anything, and I was wondering if anyone out there had any suggestions. My diet is fairly healthy, I workout, don't eat late, etc. I do have acid reflux and take Nexium in the mornings.
I feel like I'm doomed to be single forever because of this, and it really sucks.