Posted 3/7/2013 10:00 AM (GMT 0)
I read with growing interest the posts on IBS/UC and the like. I suffer something similar though doctors cannot pinpoint mu problem. I have 3 discs bulges and grade 1 spondylolisthesis (i.e. one vertebra slid over partially another one). I got a very bad sciatica last Christmas and all doctors said that the pain in my lower right abdomen is radiating pain. But some days after my succesful pain alleviation, the pain in my right side still was there, especially at night, and tender when touched. At the same time I was full with gas.The orthopedic surgeon referred me to a general surgeon saying that the nature of my pain is a not radiating pain. The surgeon sent me for some examinations. My blood count cannot be more perfect (no elevated FBC), no UTI. Pelvic and abdomen US showed significant free fluid in POD and in RIF. So he gave me antibiotics for PID for 10 days. After this the pain became worse. Anything I eat causes gas and now I developed constipation (never had any problem with this before). It reached 5 days without going to the toilet. The pain is now sometimes stabbing, either in rest or on the move. I went back to the doctor who ordered the same examinations, adding H.pylori for DU. Again all bloodwork was excellent, negative Hp and the free fluid remained only in RIF. The doctor again prescribed the same antibiotics saying that there is good response to those. He also gave me lactulose to have normal stool and that really helps. Also prescribed pantocide. But my pain persists! Can it be appendix-problem (they have never visualised on US) and we should take it out ,or IBS or UC or cancer? Please, someone should give me some advice because I feel miserable.