Hello, I usually hang out in the GERD forum. I have been diagnosed with GERD and gastritis and also inflammation of esophagus and duodenum.
According to my GP, everything (liver function, kidney, thyroid, cbc) looks normal except for my lipase SERUM level. He says I am at 110 when my lab's upper range is 60.
I know what lipase is. It seems that there isn't really a defined range that is accepted. Some websites such as Webmd says that anything below 120 is normal while I see some say 160 or even 200. I did see that if you have pancreatitis, lipase level is usually at least 4-5X the upper range.
My doc told me that I should at least get an ultrasound of the gallbladder, pancreas and liver out of precaution. So I am trying to schedule it. I also read after some googling that inflammation of the digestive tract can make your lipase level slightly elevated. Well, I have inflammation of esophagus, stomach and duodenum confirmed thru endoscopy. I was just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience with elevated lipase.