Hi Jerry, I agree, going back to see your doc is important to rule out other things besides IBS, as having blood in the stool is considered not a regular part of IBS, although it can happen if you have fissures from having hard difficult to pass stools. Full blood tests should be done by your doc to check things like your liver too if your stools have changed colour. Also, have these symptoms always been with you on and off for many years, or are they new, all of sudden? If they are completely new for you, this is important for your doctor to know too:) Often, stress is a big factor in IBS and often overlooked or 'brushed off' by many doctors and this is unfortunate because learning how to prevent stress from causing physical injury to the body and causing physical symptoms like digestive disorders, heart palpitations and high bp is really key to getting well. To help with this, having a daily short 10-20 minute relaxation practice works wonders:)
Post Edited By Moderator (Michelejc) : 5/18/2013 6:38:06 AM (GMT-6)