Hi everyone, I am new to this website but I wanted to seek advice or just see what other people have to say about
I normally suffer from IBS, I don't technically think I have either type C or D but I guess I would say that i lean more towards D. I always have hated these horrible flare ups and symptoms but I didn't realize how much I am kind of used to it. about
a week ago I contracted the norovirus (stomach flu) and suffered for the first day with the normal, getting sick and going D. After that the next 2 days were just me trying to feel better.
I am wondering for anybody else who has gotten the stomach flu what the after effects were on your bowels/system? My body is all out of wrack with me being more gassy, bloated, cramping, and always feeling like I need to go when instead its mainly gas. Anybody have any advice or similar experiences for when it got better or your system went back to "normal"? Really just want to feel better and stop hearing these excessive stomach noises.