Hi there,
Not too sure how this site works, but I'm feeling really discouraged and depressed over my intestinal lack of motility these days.
I am 39 years old and have been suffering from an eating disorder since I was 17. Part of this eating disorder was abusing laxatives, vomiting up food, starving myself etc.
I am also a recovering alcoholic (sober 2 years) and have recently stopped smoking cigarettes. I was diagnosed in my early 20's with IBS but which was obviously a direct result of the laxatives and which I obviously never told the GP at the time. Now, all these years later, my once a week visit to the toilet has ceased to be. Despite laxatives, Epsom salts, senna tea, picolax and other medicines, I just cannot go to the toilet. I drink between 3 to 4 litres of water a day, eat plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and roughage (so its not due to my diet). The doctor told me a month ago that I have no stomach muscles and that I need to develop these to help with going to the toilet. He also told me that my intestines aren't "contracting" at all.
I am really afraid. I am getting a referral letter to see a gastroenterologist and I am terrified that I am going to end up with a "colostomy bag".
Has anyone else caused the same problems to themselves and if so, is it "fixable"? and if so, is it fixable "with or without" surgery?
I look forward to any feedback.