Hello everyone,
Ive not posted for awhile as theres been a lot going on. Im waiting for my 2nd hospital appointment to come because my ibs is not getting better or more manageable no matter what the doc tries. 2 Wks ago I was perscribed painkillers because a side-effect is they stop diarrohea...which is the worst part of my ibs, not because I had much pain, because I didnt.
I do not take the tablets much because my symptoms changed before I really started on them...my stool is now sometimes D sometimes semi-solid, either way i get a lot of pain when i go to the loo, i bleed a lot too. Ive noticed that about 20 mins after I eat I get the same pain, i just had a milkshake this morning and i got the pain too! Im booked in for a telephone consultation with my doc tomorrow, I just wondered if anyone else has experienced the same...also what tests are they likely to do next?? I had a flexible sigmoidoscopy the first time.
Please help.