so, i just got back from the doctor.
i had a lactulose breath test done on 9/29/05... two weeks ago he said he had not gotten results from it, today he asked me how i was doing on the antibiotics, i was perplexed. "you gave me zelnorm--for my diarrhea, and amitriptyline because i cried in your office, because i feel hopeless and that you are not listening to me..." since, i have been to my pcp who took me off those and put me on zoloft and lomotil. so now i am pooping about 3x a day (fantastic) but in an extreme amount of pain (boo) and nauseous--(when i crap i feel like i am delivering a lobster from my tush) and the nausea does not stop.
then he says, "i vaguely remember your breath test coming back positive for bacterial overgrowth..."
"well, then wouldn't antibiotics clear that up then?" i ask intelligently.
"yes, i will give you a call tuesday, so stop taking the lomotil, take imodium and the zoloft and i am concerned about you taking the digestive advantage...., ok so we will talk tuesday"
and i was ushered out... normally i am a very ballsy woman, but i did not ask all my questions!!! for instance, why can't you just give me a perscription for the anti biotics? i could start them now or on tuesday when you call me. do i still have IBS? does bacterial overgrowth cause exploding poops?-- then how come they have stopped since i have cut gluten out of my diet? am i gluten sensitive and have a bacteria problem? is this like a yeast infection of the small intestine? will i poo like a normal person? do you still think i am depressed? do you think of me as a lesser patient because i am the only one in the waiting room under the age of 60, is that why are visits are so short--am i not worth listening to?
i think these are all valid questions...
i beg for the courage to be ballsy with my health!!!!
so yeah, thanks for listening...
good news though--i am moving this weekend to a new apartment!!!