Happy New Year Peppertee!
This was new to me too..with the black stools,and the cramping,and the loud stomach gurgling noises...scared the heck of of me the first time I got these symptoms, and this all happened about three hundred miles away at the Colorado River. I was too frightened,sick and worried to make the drive home. Peptol did the discoloring,but that really scared me, I thought I was seriously dying. after waiting no more, I made the trip home and saw a GI doctor right away.No endoscopy yet,but the Colonoscopy,Upper/lower GI,and three blood tests showed Mild diverticulosis(not itis),Mild GERD,and IBS.
I think I had a simialar experienced before back in the 1980's when My girlfriend and I split up..that was stressfull,I was dehydrated,cramping,
diarrhea, lost 27 lbs in two weeks,and the doc said it was either Gastritis or a Gastrointestinal disorder,mainly due to stress and anxiety.
I just thought I ate something bad, like food
poisoning. He gave me Donnatal.
Back then, I don't think anyone knew much of IBS,and this could have been that. Now,with 20 to 45 million people (including kids) having this condition, more and more information is being discovered.
I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy! I have my days. This bout lasting almost six months, I've lost 35 lbs. I'm also afraid to eat. There seems to be alot of confusion on the diet on my behalf. I've seen many IBS diets that say that fresh white bread like sourdough is great? but the gluten is BAD in any bread. Chocolate,and sweets are out. Coffee,and dairy is out. White Rice or Brown Rice? Read and Black beans? Legumes are good,but the nuts and beans are bad. Whole grain foods are questionable because of the gluten...see what I mean about all this confusion? So I don't eat.
I wish you luck on normalizing your tummy. It will be a trial and error thing for the most part. They say excercise is good and plenty of water,but the thought of going for a brisk walk and drinking water makes me feel a little nauseus,because of my stomach pain. I talked to several people that has had IBS, and theyr'e back to drinking coffee and eating what they used to eat again.
You are not alone,if that's any consolation.someday,we'll all heal,and many thanks to this message board..it's the best resource I have found. Good Luck and have a great day!