Posted Today 8:03 PM (GMT 0)
It's smart to get it checked out and have a colonoscopy and upper-endoscopy. Unlikely to be cancer, but could be an infection, an IBS, or an IBD. Ditto none of us are doctors and without test results there is really no knowing if there is a problem or not.
I've had a lot of endoscopy over the years (colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopies). The prep is by far worse than the procedure itself. Most with IBS/IBD will say the same, survive the prep and it's a cakewalk. The prep being a potent laxative that you must drink, and you spend a number of hours on the toilet emptying out. Basically plan on not being more than an arms-length away from the toilet for hours, as you will go a lot and frequently. Sometimes you take take two courses of prep, one the night before, and one the morning of the procedure.
The colonoscopy procedure itself, involves you putting on a gown and going to sleep via anesthesia under hospital care. Next thing you know the procedure is over. You'll wake up and not remember the procedure at all. You will be a bit groggy as you come to, so it is recommended to have a family member, significant other, or close friend their to drive you home. He/she can also listen to what the doctor says he/she found during the procedure. As you will be a bit loopy due to the anesthesia for a hour or so afterwards.