Hey guys.
I have a question. If you ever get severly hungry, like, reeallly really hungry, do you ever get those horrible cramping pains that are in a horseshoe shape around your whole body? (Basically, under your ribs and down and then your whole area underneath your bellybutton) I came home from school today absolutely starving, had those pains and took a Gas-Ex (simethecone) and it helped a bit, but I was just wondering if that happened to anyone else.
This morning was little rough. Rougher on my anxiety tho than my bowels. I started getting those bad cramps and foul gas you all are probably familiar to right before the D hits. Well, fortunatly for me (sarcasm), I had a math test to take during this. Right before we started it hit me that I HAD to go to the bathroom..but I couldnt raise my hand and say "teacher, I have to go have D now." so I used the "i feel like im going to be sick" exscuse and made a run for it. The D came (and how it burned. :( my poor hemmies! haha) and then I felt better..after lunch I was a bit crampy but then it went away. But now, after eating an afternoon snack because I was STARVING, I now have the chills, a bit of nausea(but kind of hungry at the same time..), and kinda weird feeling intestines. I feel like my intestines are vibrating. I've read Keriamons gallbladder post...do you think its the gallbladder? I'm so confused with whats going on I dont even know what to think anymore! ahh! Anything would be helpful..