Hey Jellybean, thanks for checking in Nothing too exciting to report here...my GI is kind of a terd, but I can't necessarily blame him for all of his terdiness - this is a weird case. He waffled some, saying some features of this illness are not typical of IBS and others are. Blah blah blah, I've heard it all before. He said that the rectal bleeding could happen with anyone who has a lot of diarrhea, whereas before he said that people with IBS shouldn't bleed. He then said it's not that unusual for people with IBS to occasionally wake up in the night with the big D or pain, whereas early on he said that nocturnal wake-ups are rare for IBSers. Yee gads.
He wasn't sure about the fevers and said he wanted to check my white count to see if it's elevated. After his exam he said he wanted to check my liver enzymes, CBC, CMP, and thyroid hormones again, then review the Mayo Clinic results, then have me back for another office visit.
I told him I'd talked to my sister (a family physician) about the possibility of treating this mystery disease with one of the milder medications out there for IBD - maybe one of the milder immunosuppressants. He said he definitely wouldn't put me on steroids (which I wouldn't take anyway!) but didn't say anything else about it. I think he wants to see the bloodwork first. For now he wants me to take Imodium and Tylenol every day for the D and fevers.
I don't know. All I know is that I'm ready - yet again - for something more definitive, or at least a more definitive treatment.