Hi All,
I'm sure many of you had a long journey to a diagnosis so I hope you can help.
Last summer I began experiencing increased numbers of soft bowel movements daily. Since I have Graves' disease I thought perhaps I was somewhat hyperthyroid again. However, my thyroid bloodwork was normal.
Around October I began experiencing right lower quadrant abdominal pain intermittantly, in addition to the increased bowel movements with intermittent diarrhea, including in the middle of the night, as well as fever and chills @ times.
about a month ago I finally went to an internal medicine MD. C. diff, stool for ova and paracites and bloodwork all normal, except hematocrit a little high from dehydration. Also completed a course of Flagyl. CT of abdomen and pelvis was negative. Before the CT I was placed on a low residue diet, and have now been put on a high fiber diet, supplemented with metamucil and donnatal for pain as needed.
I actually have more pain on the high fiber diet, and the donnatal doesn't help the pain - just makes me tired and cranky. I'm thinking of putting myself back on the low fiber diet and am scheduled to see a gastroenterologist on Monday.
Expect a probable colonoscopy and maybe a small bowel series.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
Thank you, Mary