I went to GI yesterday.I explained to him every since my gallbladder surgery 10wks ago I have been constipated & even impacted twice.My primary care doc has even put me on miralax.Then all of a sudden 2 days before I went to GI I thought I was going to poop myself to death. I had the D sooo bad I was afraid to leave the house. Now today I am so miserable because Ifeel like I need to & barely can. All the GI can tell me is ( I don't know what to tell you, there is nothing wrong with your stomach or your colon.) He acts like it is all part of my imagination! I hurt up around my ribs I believe it is what is called the transverse colon. Then when it gets worse it starts around belly button, then my whole stomach gets rock hard. I am passing mocus & sometimes my stool is pale yellow. Could this pain around (slightly under ) my ribs be gas?