Hi All,
Has your GI advised you take antispasmotics daily according to a schedule or for pain only?
Mine (Levbid form the GI Specialist and Donnatal from the Primary) were both ordered as needed for pain.
Maybe this is because I don't have a diagnosis yet. Have had blood work, stool cultures for ova and paracites, ct scan with oral and iv contrast of the abdomen and pelvis, and a colonoscopy (had 2 polyps removed). Have also had a course of Flagyl initially.
What I have learned from all of you to help control diarrhea is to add a calcium citrate with vitaminD daily. I also take 1 dose of metamucil daily per the GI doc. I have Lomotil on hand for emergencies and Gas-x for when I think I'd like to die.
Despite this I am still the "human smoothie machine" and have chronic RLQ pain. Any advise?