I am glad that I found this board! I'll take some time to read through the posts and see if I can find some info about
my problem. Until then, I'm hoping someone can offer some insight or their own experiences.
I am pregnant and during the first tri, I had a lot of gas pains and constipation. That passed for the most part, thankfully, but for the last several days I have had a lot of mucus when I wipe, not after BMs or mixed in with BMs but just there on the TP. At first it was a small amount, but now it is more and I'm kind of getting worried. Should this be happening even when I'm not straining to have a BM? Could this be IBS or something else? (I've been diagnoseed with IBS so I know I have it, but now I'm concerned this might be something more). There is no blood so far. I guess I'll call my ob/gyn tomorrow, but I'm hoping for some reassurance tonight. I have had some stomach issues over the last few days as well. Any advice? Encouragement? Thanks :0)