After recovering from an eating disorder, I found my bowels were completly out of wack. Before going to a doctor, I tried everything- fiber chews, flax
cookies, fiber powder, you name it- but nothing worked for more than a couple of weeks. I have a very healthy diet of lots of fruits, veggies, water, and whole grains. I went to the doctor in June and tried Miralax (stopped working), an antibiotic (didn't work). I've been on Amitiza for about
a month and a half now. It worked pretty well for the first 3 weeks, then it quit working all together. So my doctor had me do a system flush to "re-boot" and now I take Amitiza 2x daily, and Benefiber 2x daily. I have diaherra every morning, and horrible gas every night. I found that dairy products only make this much worse. I also have headaches and heartburn. Since I have other symptoms (hair loss, dry skin, weight gain, extreme fatigue, plus bowel problems) I am going to go see an endochrinologist to see if it is all related to my thyroid, which is genetic.
Hope you have a better experience than me! Feel better!
Post Edited (lululingsue) : 8/25/2008 2:33:47 PM (GMT-6)