Lupetta, I am very sorry to hear that you are going though a divorce. I have gone through two already - one agreeable and the other took 4 years to be divorced but the custody issue went on for years. For the last 10 years we have been fighting to keep my son in this country. His father is from the Middle East and had threatened to kidnap him to the middle east if I left him. We were able to get away and my current husband was a wonderful friend and protector.
I may be younger than you (35) but I have been "blessed" with heart disease passed down to me from my grandfather. I have been dealing with tachycardia (fast heart rate), arrhythmia's (irregular heart rates), and bradycardia (slow heart rate), and electrical system blocks (these regulate your heart rate with signals to the atrial and ventricular halves). I have been trying to figure how to take medication to regulate my heart rate so it doesnt go fast -- but the medications drop my heart rate too low - so I cannot take it every day/on days my heart rate is normal or already low.
I was NOT supposed to be having any more children but my husband and I wanted at least two together. We had one already so we wanted to have one more. I was determined that I could carry another child (this would have been my 6th pregnancy - between a bad c-section, a miscarriage, and 4 normals). when the Morning Sickness began with this last pregnancy, it got severly out of hand. I cannot take medications for nausea due to allergy. I could not eat or drink anything. i would immediately vomit. The only thing that helped (not Dr's) was my husband bringing home Ensure for Mommies. That stayed in my stomach and settled down enough to where I could begin to eat light foods - yougurt, fruit, salads, etc. I have been that way for the last 3 years with the inability to eat meats or heavy foods (I would still throw them up). then 2 months ago, about, I started with the constipation part. Very quickly (within 5 days) I was sick at the sight of food, threw up anything I tried, could not go to the bathroom, and was very lethargic and in a LOT of pain - i felt like I was in active labor childbirth again.
If any of you had felt that for a few days let alone all the years all of you have been dealing with this, you would be as desperate as I was. I gained the weight just like you. I couldnt fit my clothes, everything was uncomfortable, I felt sick like I had the flu, I was getting depressed, and feeling like I was a burden to my family and antisocial to our friends.
I did not expect the Dual Action Cleanse to work but I am super super happy that it did. I am happy for you as well that it is helping! I am anxious to see if it helps others as well. I will continue to take it as directed and see how it goes. I dont ever want to go back.
As for buying the Total Body Purifier separate - i know you can at the website but I am not sure at Walgreens. I have a second kit I can break into if I need to, but I am going to keep my eyes looking for it locally (it is more expensive at the website). I am also going to check Ebay to see if anyone sells it separate.
Take care!