Hi, thanks for bumping this back up lil.
Sarita, I had a test done which showed both the internal and external anal muscles weren't functioning correctly. Think it was called a defecating proctogram. i usually go about 2 weeks inbetween bms. My diet is reasonably good. i haven't found any foods which make things worse or better. My white cell count has been raised (and getting higher everytime i have it done) for quite a long time, long before my kidney infection. i don't have a copy of the last results where the wbc was 30, but do have the one two weeks previous. They are: (sorry, it's a long list)
WBC 22.6 RBC4.18 Platelets 373 HB 14.2 ESR 4 Neutrophils 90.27%, 20.4 Monocyte 0.35 Eosonophils 0.03 Basophil 0.03 PCV 0.419 Lymphocyte 1.85 MCH 32.4 MCV 95.7
I'm just so totally fed up with everything right now. Don't know whether the lupus is causing problems or the constipation is or both or neither! I'm in constant pain, terrible backache, nauseaus, constant urine infections etc etc. Thanks for taking the time to respond and any ideas would be gratefully received, Catherine