Hey guys how are you all doing? Well im back with an update. I was given Flagly as a last resort because my Gi didnt know what was going on with me because my symptoms didnt make sense to him and he couldnt make out what i have. I told him all of this started after a stomach thing i had which was just throwing up 10 times. Been dealing with IBS symptoms since then. I told him i get gas after anything i eat and it smells bad sometimes so he gave me Flagly. I was on it for 10 days. After the treatment i started getting better somewhat. I drank milk, ate mcdonalds(omg felt so good), had pizza with extra cheese...veggies tried to go back to normal. But then after a week the good effects wore off. I still have not experienced diarrea and this is what my Gi doesnt understand. He also doesnt get why i have pain and discomfort on the left side and right side and they are always in the same spot. But this pain and discomfort only started after i finished throwing up.
He schduled an emergency colonoscopy for Feb 7. I originally had one on march 29 he said ill be in bad shape by then seeing how i keep on loosing weight around 2 - 3 pounds a month. I have another x-ray test where i drink some milkshake he said on Feb 1. So far ive done endoscopy and that was good...blood tests was good and CT scan turned out to be good. I also have to bring in a stool samples 72 hour fecal fat test. So im guessing he thinks i have some kind of malabsorbtion.
My stools there is usually a lot in there. Sometimes they float and sometimes bubbles come up as well and then they pop. Sometimes they leave a mark in the bowe. They are bulky and then thin like stools come out. And i also feel bubbles around the anal area and then gas comes out when i do... or water like but feel like i just had diarrea in my pants. When i have my mini wheat in the morning after 30 minutes i get a bowl movement which i guess its normal since its only fiber. Well there is a lot that comes out. It seems all formed but then it all breaks up in the bowel like into big pieces of dust. And i noticed that there are stuff in it and i also see red stuff. Also some bits come floating to the top. But when i wipe there is no blood on the toilette paper. And ive already sent in a stool test for blood and it was negative no blood in there and it was 3 samples. So maybe couldve something gotten worse and something is bleeding now so am i just paranoid.
Well i hope all of you are doing good. I know all of us are suffering and hope we all find peace with this "IBS" one day.