Hey guys. Well in 6 hours i have the barium swallow where i have to drink a little milkshake which i heard tastes nasty. Ive been doing better these days. It seems like the Flagly helped somewhat so does that mean anything?? But i guess for every good there is a bad. I recently started feeling itching in my rectum area when the poop is coming out. Ands its itching as we speak. Also noticed blood on the toilette paper. First time i noticed blood on the toilette paper as well. I had a stool test for blood in the summer and it showed no sign of blood. So what does this mean ??
Also i have to do a fecal fat test in which i have to eat 100grams of fat for 3 days. Will my barium swallow have any effect on my stools ??
As for the flagly. Before Flagly after anything i eat i had a bowl movement or massive gas. And i would get bubbles around my rectum area and gas would come out as well as some liquid which would leave a wet spot in my underwear. Now its been about 3 weeks i have been off Flagly and i have even eaten mcdonalds. I ate 3 hot dogs at a fast food joing all dressed with mustard..ketchup etc etc. Before i did that with flagly forget it i would have gas and 30 min later id be in the bathroom. But now that is not the case. Although things are getting back to the way they were so guessing the Flagly only gave me some relieve. Also now i get stomach discomfort or pain or cramps. Im not really sure what these cramps are. But when i get that sensation in the stomach i have a bowl movement and then it seems to go away.
Also after i eat mini wheats or bran bread i got the urge to go to the bathroom after 5 to 10 minutes i just want to know if that is normal. I know dumb question but i rely on you guys...your my Gi's honestly. Also my stools come out formed and then break up into dust. What is that a sign of ?? Also there are also stools that float. Or when i flush bits are still left behind. So im questioning on the last Gi and his diagnosis of IBS.
I have a colonoscopy Feb 7. So question for you all. I start drinking the ducolax feb 6th start at 8am right or do i start it feb 5th. I know i should call but everytime i call i get thier answering machine...lol.
Well guys let me know what you think.
Oh and congrats Sarita on finding a good GI. I remember my old GI he kicked me out after 5 to 10 minutes. This new Gi he takes time he says im young so hopin he cares...lol
Well give me your feedback guys.