Hi Anabelle,
I know exactly what you mean by everything being one big cycle. My IBS was the same way… I’d have C for a few days and then when I was finally able to go it would be D. Then it would start all over again with C and then D. My doc told me that if I could just get regular the C & D episodes would subside. I started taking Zelnorm to regulate my BMs. Soon enough I was pooping regularly that my body didn’t have time to build up and get D. I also gradually began eating yogurt and taking fiber and probiotics. Once I got on a good dosage of fiber and probiotics I stopped with the Zelnorm and all was pretty “normal.” I still get C & D sometimes, but it is no where near as often as before (before was about once a week or once every 10 days). I think the key is having all that good bacteria in there. Dannon Activia has done wonders for so many of us on this board. Every day I eat at least 1 yogurt and take 1-2 probiotics.
If you are still worrying about your gallbladder maybe you should have it checked. Have you already had an ultrasound? If so, your next step would be to ask for a Hidascan. Hidascans are the best way to detect malfunctioning gallbladders.
Good luck!