one bite of food and my gut sticks right out as though i am third-trimester pregnant.
my gastro has put me on liquids and jello for the weekend until i see him monday to discuss what to do.
i do not have IBS, per se, but on a trip abroad, i picked up a strain of the coli family a couple years ago. i've not been the same since.
does anyone else have trouble with bloating/distention/chronic constipation? i noticed another thread about this, but this is really, really severe.
i have done a fairly good job at managing myself with my diet: i am vegan (no meat, dairy or eggs), do not eat wheat and eat very little gluten. i do not eat rice, either. i do eat soy. lately, i have been pureeing vegetables, so i would be shocked if there is intestinal blockage, though anything is possible, at this point, i guess, given that my body's upped and quit this week.
i just finished a course of xifaxan (nonsystemic antibiotic). i would take probiotics now to restore the flora but i am terrified of getting more gassy. eep.
thanks, all.