Hi Everyone,
I've been on from time to time reading and getting some insight. I was diagnosed with proctitis about 2 years ago - I'm a 25 yr. old woman. I took rowasa enemas and colazol and things seemed okay besides some blood and constipation until this past August. It's now February and there's no getting back to a slight tinge of what my life used to be.
I have the blood, the frequent dirrehea with severe pain and cramping, the bland diet, the different types of medicines, but nothing is happening to ease this flare, if that's what it is?? I've been taking rowasa enemas and 6 colozals - now my doctor suspects I may have IBS with proctitis - and wants me to try zelnorm. Does anyone on here have proctitis with IBS? I feel that I'm at the end of the rope... my health has taken over my life this past 6 months - work, social life, love life, travel.. everything! I was optomisic but now at 6 months later, I feel there isn't an answer.
Does anyone use immodium to stop excessive and painful dirrehea? Is it safe to use daily/long term? The pain is incredible. My doctor tried different antispasmatics, but none of them are doing the job - I'm just getting the side effects (nausea/extreme fatigue). What kind of methods do you use to ease the pain? The dirrehea and pain knocks me out. I had a bout that lasted 7 hours last Tuesday. I couldn't even get out of bed Wednesday. I didn't use immodium to stop that bout because my doctor said let it run it's course because the nine days prior I had only had blood and small mucus pass. I'm sorry it's so gross. I can't really talk about this with anyone really.
I'm a school teacher. It's my second year as a first grade teacher. I have been a mess. I have to run at the drop of a dime to the bathroom, but can't because I have all these little ones, so I find myself panicing calling everyone in my hall who has another teacher in the room to cover. But those days when it's not just one or two bouts, it's a total nightmare. I'm not able to do my job to the fullest which is upsetting.Not to mention all that goes in being absent for one day. There's so much to preplan and to catch up on.
In August I thought it'd subside with time, medicine, and diet.. but 6 months later it just is getting worse. What type of work does everyone do? As it hurts me so much to say, I think for my own health and sanity I may have to get another job.
Should I be tested for Celiac disease and Fibromyalia? When I started investigating IBS - the sites said to check for these things also. Should I get a second opinion? I also get a lot of right sided lower abdominal pain which I read could be a symptom of Crohns?/?
So sorry for the boat of questions. I am at the end of my rope.
2 years Proctitis
Rowasa Enemas few times a week
6 Colazol per day
Possibly starting Zelnorm
Over the counter Digestive Advantage IBS (just started 2 days ago)