Yes mucus can be common for many people with IBS. It is definately no need to 'frek out'. you can now tick off another symtoms that falls under the umbrella of IBS. But definately it would be a good idea to re-visit your health professional, I remember i got a really good explaination about
the mucus (much of which i can't remember). However, this is a change in your condition so it is worth investigating.
I havent had mucus for (or lots of it like you describe) for a long time now. But when i look back in My Digestion Diary I can see that i made a note that mucus correlated with fasting (not eating). I guess the mucus might always be present in my guts however if i don't eat or fast for some reason more of it becomes evident in the stool. However this may not be the casue either its just what i have noted. Does this sound like a possibility for you?
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Post Edited By Moderator (dbab) : 3/15/2007 9:12:51 PM (GMT-6)