I have been getting so sick every month. I gain about
5-10 lbs of water. My cycle is about
25 days. about
10 days before the bloating and water weight set in. It's awful. 3-5 days before the period I am throwing up, diareaha to the point it's pouring out of me, and cramps, backaches. After a lot of research I see that my IBS could be tied into this. I have lost 3 babies in the last 2 yrs (2 of them had to be taken d&c) :(. I don't know if this has anything to do with it or not. I have been taking Advil to help with the pain but it doesn't do a lot. Also, I have been told to try a diruetic (sp)? such as pamprin? Any suggestions... I plan to go in for a physical soon but i hate this every month. I am also dieting and trying to eat better and avoiding caffine. I have 30 lbs to lose to be at a healthy weight. I appreciate any and all advice.
Many hugs,