Hi All,
Well if someone can help me that would be great. about 2 yrs ago, for no apparent reason I went from a rarely gassy girl to a full on more than 20x a day but with ZERO bloat or cramp, horrible stink bomb! What is wrong with me? No symtoms of anything except stink!
I hadent changed any eating habits and this whole gas thing just appeared it seems. Like I said 2 yrs ago nothing then it started and in this last yr its just gotten worse. I wake up in the morning and when I havent eaten anything for hrs from the day before and before I even get any water first thing in the morning and there it goes, stinky rotten gas, 6-8x in an hour and a half while I get ready. It doesnt ever ever cause me any discomfort at all except I just dont understand why it happening to me so much now?? It seems its regardless of what i eat, I dont see a change in with or w/o dairy, meat, spices, cereal, etc...
Does anyone have anything they can share to help me out, im getting kinda worried, thank god i am single! lol...