Hi guys!
So this is my update to my birth control pill update post. A few of you may remember a while back (like over a year ago) I posted about me getting off the pill and feeling much better IBS wise. Well, I decided to try the pill again. My cysts came back in my breasts and ovaries and I also get horrible period cramps. I figured I could try a lower hormone dose pill and see what happens.
I got my monthly “friend” yesterday and per the doc’s orders that is when I’m supposed to start the pill. So I did. Immediately I felt horrible. I do know, however, that when you first start the pill you will probably have nausea (and other stuff) in the beginning. I sure do! I also have had a little D yesterday and today. I’m not too worried about it because I attribute it to cramps from my visitor. I just hope I’m not wrong in my theory.
I will keep up the pill and document my symptoms. If my IBS goes back to how it was (horrible!) then I will for sure get off and never look back. I just haven’t decided how long I will wait to make the call. Maybe after a month?
Anyway, just wanted you all to know that you might be seeing more of my griping around the boards. I hope not though. Take care.