Jeez louise, I haven't visited that place in a long I remember why! I just had a little run-of-the-mill garden hose diarrhea this past weekend, nothing too out of the ordinary. But Sunday night I started feeling feverish and by Monday a.m. my temp reached 103. Blech. I called my PCP's office and the doctor told me to go to the ER because she thought it could be "thyroid storm" (i.e., thyroid crisis - a rare but serious complication of Graves disease that causes high fever and tachycardia and diarrhea, among other fun symptoms). I was like, uh, lemme check with the endocrinologist here, don't want to jump the gun...but he also told me to go to the ER. Oh, poop.
It was pretty easy getting in, though; they had me in a room within five minutes! I had the EKG tech and vampire bats in there within another five. The ER doc was this miserable man who mumbled incoherently and didn't seem to know his way out of a paper bag. I proceeded to wait three hours while my thyroid levels were checked. Good gracious. I literally soaked that stupid little bed in my feverish stupor; no Tylenol, no fluids, nothin'. The high point of my stay was overhearing a conversation several nurses were having across the hall about their 401K plans.
My CBC results were out of range all over the place (a low white count, for one), but my thyroid levels were A-OK. The doc didn't seem concerned and told me I "probably had a virus of some sort" and discharged me. I proceeded to sweat the night away (freakin' nasty) and now the fever has disappeared as mysteriously as it appeared.
Just thought I'd share another fun ER story. Crikey.