Hi Stephanie,
Welcome to HealingWell!
Sugar alcohols are really tough on IBSers, especially IBS-Ders. I wonder if you are having trouble with them too... Pretty much all the foods you mentioned have them. Most sugary foods, candy, soda, gum, mints, have sugar alcohols. I would start watching what you eat, reading ingredients labels, and maybe keeping a food diary to see what bothers you most. This way you will be able to pinpoint what doesn't agree with you and then make changes to your diet to eliminate them (or cut down your intake).
Here are a list of sugar alcohols you should be aware of:
Pretty much anything that end ins "tol" is a sugar alcohol. Watch for these ingredients in gum and mints too! You can never be too careful.
Also, do you take probiotics? You might just have an abundance of bad bacteria in your guts. It might be beneficial to you to get some good baceria in there. Yogurt and probiotic supplements are a good thing to try. Can't hurt.