Hi Kbabble,
Welcome to HealingWell!
I really suggest you go back to your doc and tell him/her that the Buscopan & Colofac are not helping. There are plenty other antispasmodics to try. For instance, in the US we have the following: Donnatol, Levsin, Levbid, NuLev, and Bentyl.
Does using the hot water bottle help you? Many of us on here tend to use heat as well (heating pads). Fennel and peppermint help with spasms too... They are tasty as tea. Some use peppermint capsules, but I don't think you can get fennel like that.
Have you been tested for lactose or wheat intolerance? It might not be a bad idea to cut out dairy for about
a week and see if you feel any better.
I am also a big advocate for Dannon Activia yogurt. I love it and have definitely noticed a difference eating it. I am way more regular, less "attacks" and less gas & bloating. Are you taking any probiotic supplements instead of eating yogurt?