Hey guys,
Since I was 18, for the past year, I started having bouts of diarrhea a half hour to an hour after I'd eat, every couple weeks. I didn't think much of it -- just ate something that went bad, or it was the occasional aspirin I take, or I was just plain sick for no reason (where I thought -- "Well, no wonder. My health's been great for all my life, about time my body caves in.).
After a while, I did notice patterns -- from trial and error, I found out I couldn't handle marshmallows, ice cream (man, what I went through to finally figure these ones out), icings, oatmeal, blueberries, onion, salmon, and excessive amounts of sugary foods.
I also learned that I really needed to have whole grains in my diet, and have my fruits and vegetables. Learned not to over eat, or eat fast. Which happens to be at least one positive point of diarrhea -- makes me eat healthy.
Seeing the symptoms for IBS, I think I *may* be a candidate. I heard from a lot of people here that a careful diet helps... but doesn't completely stop it. And yes, I've noticed that even when I have eaten really well, 6 weeks then another case would hit.
For the past few days, I've been pretty depressed because of this. I can't go out freely without obsessing over where the bathroom is, and how my stomach's feeling. Even when it's a normal bowel movement feeling, it's pretty much identical to me when I'm paranoid and panicking! I'm scared that it'll really affect my future, and my social life. I realize that this is a mild case, but I'm still very anxious...
I want to see a doctor, I don't want to see a doctor -- I'm a very introverted person, and talking about this stuff is absolutely humiliating in my mind. And the thought of possible colonoscopy... horrifying!
Here are my questions now:
1. What can I expect from a doctor? (Colonoscopy?! What's that like?)
2. What medications might they prescribe and how would it help?
3. Besides improving diet and seeing a doctor, what other things can I do to help myself in the mean time?
Thank SO much for your help.