I hope this may be helpful to others as it has been a miracle for me.
I had three weekly sessions of colon hydrotherapy (colonic irrigation). I just went for the general health benefits, never expecting that it would affect my IBS at all. After these treatments all of my IBS symptoms stopped! This was four months ago and I have been symptom-free since then. I had had IBS for five years and was taking lomotil at daily, with frequent enemas, laxatives, etc., the whole nightmare.
Colon hydrotherapy is somewhat like a very large enema: a large quantity of water is carefully pumped into you and then taken back out. It reaches up much farther than a regular enema. It is all controlled by a very high-tech machine with a safety valve. The therapists are very highly trained. They will give you a little massage of the belly during the procedure, and you can stop it at any time if you feel uncomfortable. You might stop and take some "bathroom breaks". It took about one hour and cost me $60 per session. The therapist recommended that I come back every few months for one "maintenance" session.
The idea is that it moves out old or impacted stool from your colon. I had massive bowel movements during this procedure (I left the table and went into the bathroom) - I had no idea all that could be inside me. It also is supposed to "tone" the muscles of your bowel so you have normal functioning again.
It isn't recommended for people with ulcerative colitis and a few other things (there is info online). Also, If you decide to try this, be SURE to get a licensed, and experienced therapist - many of them nowadays are not very well trained, so be careful! Try to stay away from a spa; look for a specialist at a holistic health center.
My last caution is that you may have a little "accident" on the table during the procedure. Some people really freak out about this, so I thought I should mention it. But please don't let it stop you from getting a treatment that may help end your suffering - you are worth it! And the therapists see this happen every day - it does not phase them and you will just end up laughing about it .
I hope this is helpful to a few people! Good luck!