Hi ladies,
My daughter also did the Litholink testing and that is how we figured out she is producing too much calicium and from there we were told to cut back on calcium foods such as milk, ice cream etc. Since January she has had three episodes of stones that we had to take her in for and they found stones on both sides. At that point we were told she needed to see a pediatric urologist and so we made an appointment and it is coming up this Weds.
I had to gather up all of her records and as I went through them, I discovered in the notes that her glucose levels were high every time she had them taken, the last one was with 110 being the upper limit and hers was 127. Also on several of the office visits, she had protein in her urine. I'm not sure what to make of these findings since no one ever mentioned them to me at any of the visits? Also, something is mentioned about a silent obstruction and having another x-ray taken, and it states that the family declines to do so, and I would have remembered this I'm certain!
It is surprising what you find when you have the opportunity to look through your own records, now I'm really worried!
Thank you for the welcome.