Hi there, i am a 23 year old female and have been suffering from recurrent UTI's for over 5 years now however recently things have taken a turn for the worse and i've been hospitalised for pyelonephritis twice in the last 2 months.
I've had a cystoscopy and ultrasound done, both came back normal and during my first hospitalisation i was told by a doctor that it might just be "one of those things" and i'm just prone to getting UTI's. I'm also on prophylactic antibiotics (cefalexin and ciprofloxacin on a rotation of 3 months) but this doesn't seem to help much.
I find it hard to believe that after having to be hospitalised twice in the last 2 months that it can be just "one of those things" and i'm wondering if anybody has any suggestions for any further tests that i could request when i next see my urologist at my follow up appointment?
It's disrupting my life so much and i'm at my wits end because nobody seems very forthcoming with any solutions.
Any suggestions at all are welcome!