Hi ... I've been an ileostomate since 1997. 5-months ago, my Nephrologist said, that I have ckd stage 3. rapidly I progressed to stage 4.. I have NO Limitations... I do take sodium bicarbonate. that's ALL. shouldn't I be "doing-something-else" to halt the Kidney Disease ? ? any response is appreciated. thanks~very much.
Odors from ostomates are MUCH stronger, than from 'normal' people. the most Effective product for me (after years of experimenting) is:
* M9 by Hollister, product #7717. -->it is an Odor eliminator.
fyi... for the past several years... I've been using: M9-drops + Irish Spring [body wash]
besides stopping the odor -- it adds a pleasant smell
buy.. -M9 from your Ostomy supplier.
buy.. -Irish Spring at your grocery store. relax ~ I guarantee ---this will work ! stan, Cleveland, Ohio area.