To the point...
I have a 2mm x 3mm stone that is somewhere between my kidney and the strainer. It was borne (escaped the kidney) February 17th. It's going to be a month this Thursday. Although I have no pain now, the initial pain was level 10 and lasted 7 hours! How long can I strain my urine and wait for this sucker to come out? My doc wants to rush in and get it. Been there before. The surgery was a nightmare...
The last time...
I'm 49, 5' 8" and 160lbs. I had a kidney stone about 6 years ago. It was terrible. I woke from sleep about 11:00pm with terrible stomach pain. Went to the bathroom and sat there thinking this feels like a bad case of diarrhea. The pain got worse and worse. I threw up a couple times and passed out once on the bath room floor. I struggled with the pain until 4:00am. Asked the wife to take me to the ER. They gave my two doses of some pain med, and it did nothing. They gave me two doses of something stronger and I was able to just cope. The did a CAT scan and saw the problem. They sent me home and I saw the urologist later that day. He gives me two pills and tells me to go home. Asked for pain meds, was told they do not prescribe this for kidney stones. The wife has RA so I took some of her Vicodin, but it wasn't strong enough to allow me to even sleep. The following day I was back and we went to the hospital for removal surgery. This is what I remember. I woke with a terrible urge to pee. No one was by my side. I couldn't open my eyes. I remember saying "Help me, I have to peee! I released and blood and pee went everywhere. I wasn't expecting the pain. It was unbelievable. I didn't know it at the time, but I also had enlarged prostate and it made everything much worse. So I flunked kidney stones. The doc said he put in a stint, and he could not find the stone...
This time...
This time I also was awakened at 11:00pm with the same level 10 pain. Threw up a bunch of times. I again waited for 4am as the wife is unable to drive too soon after going to sleep due to night time meds... and Went to the ER. They refused to give me anything for the pain. They insisted they needed a urine sample first. I told them I'm not peeing at these pain levels. I was crying like a little girl. They finally gave me something that did nothing at all, then they gave me Tramadol I believe. Within 2 minutes I was able to compose myself, and finally pee. They saw some blood in the urine and decided it was time for another CAT scan. They tell me it is a 2mm x 3mm stone. However this time the pain did recede. In fact I have had only a single 5 minute stretch of pain that was level 6.
This time we were able to get the doc to prescribe 20 pills of the Tramadol. If I'm going to be forced to go through this kind of pain I ain't doing it cold turkey no more. This is just plain physical and mental abuse by the medical community. When I tell people what I have gone through I jokingly say "It's like bullet to the head, or go through this... I can't decide" but it's not funny...
And yes I have PCa to add to the fun!...