Hi Aimsgirl16 and everyone else,
Thank you all for responding. Right now I am waiting for my insurance to approve the procedure so we can schedule it. I did not realize I was having problems with my kidneys until January when I had to go to the ER because my feet and ankles were swollen very bad. I was not in any pain but when I got to the ER my blood pressure was elevated. They kept me for a while and gave me some water pills. I went to my primaray doctor and she odered some blood work and a urine sample. My urine had some blood and protein in it. My Albiuim protein is only 1.7 and it should be 3.5 (minimum). I also had a positive ana.
I realized that for over a year now I have been feeling sick all the time. I am fatigued, feet and ankles are always sore, stiff and tingle. I have muscle pains in my shoulders in neck all the time. I really thought I was sleeping wrong and never really paid that much attention to it. I also have headaches and my doctor perscribed Ibprofin (sp) that the nephrologist has not stopped. Mt primary said it is probably autoimmune and I know Lupus and other autoimmune diseases run in my family.
Really just want some answers so I can move on from here with the best possible treatment. Going to see a Rheumatologist on Thursday.