Posted Yesterday 1:27 AM (GMT 0)
Hello all..
A few months ago a cyst was found in my kidney. Was said to enhance with contrast. At the same time swelling in arms/hands/face began. Mostly at night and thru the morning. Fast forward to most recent tests. Blood work seemed okay, urinalysis however was chock-full-o *stuff*.
Protein was +4, occult blood +2, RBC and WBC high, also trace glucose, no infection seen.
I'm young - 38 - not overweight and relatively healthy. I drink water all day - haven't had a soda in years. Nephrologist was concerned that I have a rare autoimmune disease called dermatomyositis. While the symptoms are probable - bloodwork doesn't necessarily support that DX. I repeated urinalysis today.
My question I suppose is this: has anyone had a similar experience with kidney cyst? The protein level is the most concerning to me.
Any info is greatly appreciated.