Posted 12/17/2013 10:15 AM (GMT 0)
Hi Forever and welcome to HW! I generally post in chronic pain but had kidney stones for many years and also had a ureter blockage!
You are putting some urine out I'm assuming so the blockage isn't total correct?
Im not sure why a 5 month wait on an MRI though? Seems odd.
The CT should show anything they need as well as an ultrasound will or an IVP which you didn't mention having either!
Are you being seen by Urology?
As for how long it would take for kidney damage to occur that's an too broad guess, depending on a lot of variables but usually total blockage will obviously speed that process.
If your not hospitalized, not cathed, and your putting out urine you are most likely not going to lose kidney function.
They may suspect a constricture which is repairable easily enough or it could be a stone too big to pass and they have a fix for that as well.
Good luck and the most important thing is drinking plenty of water, paying attention to any change such as a decrease in urine output, and any fluid retention in your limbs.