Hello fellow PC person:
I have some similar treatments and diagnosis as yourself - but some major ones are different also - so this may not be of any help.
I'm going to guess that CKD is Chronic Kidney Disease - and I have been dealing with that for the past 3-years. I have been hospitalized with major kidney problems three times. The last time I was hospitalized, in June of 2012, my creatine level was up to just over 14.0! In the past year and ahalf, my creatine level (measured monthly) has been between 1.70 and just over 2.0!
In my case, my advanced prostate cancer did block both kidneys, as well as, doing other damage. In all medical opinions, that is the reason for my hospitaliztion with kidney failure three times. Since June of 2012, I have had a nefrostomy tube to my right kidney and an internal stent to my non-functioning left kidney. Prior to that June, I did have two nefrostomy tubes temporarily - then removed. After removal, my creatine level went crazy!
Other than limiting my intake of high potassium foods, I am not on any kind of a strict diet. I have been told also to keep my phosphorous levels fairly low. The cancer i do have has been verified as prostate cancer metastisized - and is in parts of the rib cage, liver, lymph node and ther kidney blockage.
Recent catscans (November & January) do show a slight reduction of cancer in several areas - due to my most recent chemo. My PSA has reduced also on this chemo from an 83.09 down to a 15.49!
As you can see from below, we have had very similar initial treatments for PC. Mine did spread, after a 6-year timeframe of seeming to be cancer-free. My understanding is that the percentage of PC patients going into Advanced PC, as mine did, is relatively small. So that is a positive in your case regarding the PC.
As far as the Kidney disease is concerned, the best i could do is to describe what happened in my case. Has any doctor given you a suggested direction?
Congratulations on the PC results .... and best wishes for the kidneys and their treatments.
Peace and wellness
Rob & Gizmo