My name is Kelly and I am a postgraduate student currently doing research for a startup that aims in improving the access and quality of information to patients currently undergoing dialysis.
Would you please give me some very brief answers/opinions on these 3 questions?
Relating to patient communication, where do you go for information on dialysis (e.g. online forum, print publication, website, app)?
What type of information do you look for (e.g. diet information, other patient stories, lifestyle information, games)?
Give me your 'ideal' on what a perfect patient clinic-patient communication channel should be like (e.g. an example would be a weekly short magazine containing contents ranging from diet, recipes to doctor interviews, distributed freely by my clinic)
Please contact Admin for approval of this as per forum rules
The purpose of this research is to give me and my fellow research peers the key points that are important for you in terms of clinic-patient communication. We have found until now that information might be scarce and unsatisfying to many patients.
This project is of utmost importance for us and the only way to better the output is to have your unique point of view. Thank you in advance for those that took the time to read this post until now and answer the questions ;)
Post Edited By Moderator (opnwhl4) : 4/3/2015 10:59:16 AM (GMT-6)