Hi, I'm 35 yr old female 17week pregnant living in San Francisco Bay Area. During an abdomenal ultrasound, they incidentally located a 7cm exophytic mass on the upper pole of my right kidney. It is heterogenous with internal vascularity and hyper echogenic (possible indicator of macroscopic fat). I'm otherwise a very healthy person, physically active and in shape, with no family history of cancer. My blood and urine tests that my OBGYN ordered also came out normal. I did an MRI yesterday for further diagnosis.
I was refered to Stanford hospital where I'll meet with a urology oncologist tomorrow who'll review the MRI and possible options with me. I was initiallty positive trying to think that it's probably just a benign AML tumor (which is partially made of macroscopic fat with no calcification) but did some research online and I'm now freaked out as more than 80% of kidney tumor this size are malignant. What makes it extremely complicted (physically and emotionally) is my pregnancy. This is my first child and I was so looking forward to start planning for his arrival and preping the nursery until this news came out. :( My OBGYN said 2nd trimester is the best time to do a suregry if needed. I'm considered an extremely positive and fearless type of person by people who know me but to tell the truth I feel like my world has come to an end. I'm so scared of meeting this Dr. tomorrow in case he'd be the bearer of the bad news (malignant tumor in need of immidiate surgery).
My question for you: if I have to udnergo a surgery to remove the tumor + part or all of my kidney, which center do you recommend in CA or nation wide for robotic-assisted surgery on kidneys? I would to go other states as long as I know I'd be treated by the best team. My OBGYN said she'd want me to get 2nd and 3rd opinions and evaluate the risks to the baby and myself if we decide to continue with observation or surgery. After Stanford, I'll be seeing a dr or more at UCSF. I'm also thinking of Cleveland Clinic as I realize they have number #1 Urology department with some top-notch surgeons who've pioneered special technics in robotic-assisted partial nephrectomy. I'd want to save as much kidney as possible so the more experienced the surgeon the better. I'm on a tight time constarint as I have only 4-6 more weeks left to undergo the surgery (if needed). Once I enter the 3rd trimester, no one will perform operation on me and if malignant it can spread into other areas by the time my baby is delivered.
Any lead would be highly appreciated.