Hi sheshe, welcome to the forum,
I started a new topic for you to post your question,etc. We try to keep existing threads to their original subject matter, and to address the person who started the topic. So this one is for you! You can start a new topic by clicking the link at the top left side of the page.
Have you had any nerve conduction tests done to see where the pain is originating from? Have you had an MRI of your neck or arm? It's probably a good idea to see if there is anything wrong with those areas first. Then if they come back normal, you can continue to investigate other possibilities.
Here is sheshe's first posting......
hi, i am sheshe i just joined and am not yet very good with a computer so please be patient with me my story is in 2004 i was told a biospy of a spot on my forehead was lupus my blood test have all been normal, even though i have had alot of pain and tiredness. im not sure what is wrong with me i have good days and bad days i have realy gotten upset with going to my doc. it seems like one visit im told i have corpultunnel the next time he thinks its a nerve in my neck causing my pain in my arms i have really gotten confused sheshe